Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weakly ride report

Not so many miles this week, about 60 ish. I recorded my last ride, by being what Riot Kitty calls "Geeky". Click here to view the map.

Only a few cycling things of interest this week; I picked up some new pedals and shoes that want to kill me. Imagine a human-sized beetle upside down under a bicycle, feet still attached, and you will know what happens when the (defective and homicidal) pedal does not release the shoe. I also (much to Riot Kitty's dismay) purchased a spandex clownsuit. They look funny but it feels like you are riding naked. In a good way.

Darthweasel's bike also has taken a dislike for humanity so we did not ride together this week. This will not abide.

-This post has been inspected and approved.


  1. As long as you don't look like you are riding naked. Because that would distract people.

    I can't picture you as a beetle, either, but I'll try ;)

  2. well, if you are around Thusday pm...lets ride, baby!

    On a completely unrelated note...I own exactly zero articles of spandex clothing
